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Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Television Drama By: Jane Rule

Carolee Mitchell was doing her usual routines when she heard sirens and commotion. She looked out to find three police cars parked out in front of her. In addition to the three in front of her house, she continued to see more police cars and police men. The neighbours were outside talking with the police officers until the police told them to go back inside. Now, the police were communicating between radios talking about the suspects last sighting. Carolee decide to go empty the dishwasher to take her mind off of what was happening. She went over to the window in Pete's study and looked out to see the ambulance. She watched it for while and then something else caught her eye.

In front of her window was a young man. Something was wrong with him and this accusation was reassured when he looked up and Carolee saw the blood. She thought she should call the police but decided not to because she wanted to help this man. All of a sudden, he got up and ran towards the parking strip. He then fell on his back without a shot being heard. Carolee turned on her radio and began to hear what had just happened. This guy had robbed a bank, run a car into a tree, shot a police officer and been shot at. He was now in life threatening condition.

Carolee's husband Pete came home and asked her if she was okay. He had heard about the incident and seen only diagrams of it. She told him about everything she had seen except for the part about the suspect by the hedge. They both watched the television and saw the whole footage of the incident. Carolee was now doubting herself about whether she should have told someone about what had happened. After this incident, Carolee felt different about the world and started to feel afraid.

Would an incident like this change your perspective on life?


  1. Good job Ally :)
    If I was Carolee, I would also be doubting myself, if I had not told anyone about what happened. I believe that Carolee should have told someone about the incident.

  2. I also think that Carolee should have told someone because then she wouldn't of felt so guilty. It would of made a difference of what the outcome would of been.

  3. Do you think she also doubted what she saw, she felt that on the news things were more real, but when she actauuly saw it it didn't seem as if it was really happening?

  4. I do think she doubted what she saw because an incident like that wouldn't seem real at the time. When you see something and then someone else sees another thing, you might doubt and change what you actually saw.
