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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Life Drawing By: Bernard MacLaverty

The story starts with one of the main characters, Liam Diamond, on a train on his way to his childhood home. He makes it to his house and a person he couldn't remember answered the door. She knew exactly who he was and informed the other people in the house that he was here. They talk about his father who is the reason that he is there. His father was dying. He started to climb up the stairs when he was met by Bertha, a person who he didn't know well. She began to cry and seeked comfort in his arms. He told her that Maisie, the person who had greeted him, said she had to go downstairs. Bertha followed this command and descended down the stairs. Liam walked into the room to find his father crippled and incapable. He began to talk to his father but he wasn't able to respond. Liam gave his father a sip of water and sat down in a chair. Bertha came back into the room with some tea and Liam and her talked for awhile. He offered money for all of the expenses of his father but she wouldn't accept the money. After, she said goodnight to Liam's father and left.

Liam was now alone in his father's room and began to fell hungry. Once he began to eat, he started to remember the olden times with his father. His father had been very strict and fights in his household was very common. At one point, his father had actually caused harm to him. Liam began to get cold so he went downstairs and grab his overcoat and an electric fire. He sat in his father's room again and then went and visited his own room. He opened some things up and found some charcoal. Then he found his skecthbook from school. He looked through it and realized that even though they weren't good, he saw the talent in which in pursued. When he was younger, he use to paint and wanted to go to art college. His father was against it and did anything he could to destroy his dreams.

He returned to his father's room. Liam had his sketch book and some charcoal in his hands. He sat down and began to draw his father. It took him awhile but then he finally finished his drawing. He turned to ask his father if he was alright but when he got no response he realized the horrible fate. His father was now dead. Liam kneeled down beside the bed and tried to think of all the good times with his dad. All he could feel was anger and hate towards him because of all of the hurt he had put him through. His father had never been a good man. Liam now found that his eyes had filled with tears. There was nothing he could do for his father.

Do you think Liam reacted in the appropriate matter?

1 comment:

  1. I think Liam feelings were appropriate. Although his father was now dead that does not change how he used to be. Liam tried to think of his father positively. I thinks it's sad that he can not think of a good memory or his father and that now he would not have the chance to ever have a good memory of him.
