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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Loser By: Val Mulkerns

The story starts off with Dan, the main character, going off to see his sister. He was going there to ask for money. He arrived at the house and his sister was gardening out front. He said hello but she didn't look pleased at his arrival. They went into the house and he started to explain how at work he had booked to important people at the same time but then he explained how his manager had forgot to write down the arrangements of one of the groups. When the time came for the events his manager was away and Dan was entertaining Carl Rosa, one of the important people. Then someone at his work barged in and told him someone was here from Moody Manners. Carl Rosa and people from Moody Manner were the two events booked on the same day. Just as the employee finished explaining about the man from Moody Manners, a large gentlemen barged in and began to yell at Dan. This man was the manager from Moody Manners. Some scalding hot coffee was spilled from the heated argument and landed on some one's foot. A big commotion was caused and now Dan was responsible for the whole thing. Dan's manager convinced the manager to let them pay for the travel arrangements. Dan then explained that he was now responsible for paying for the costs.

His sister asked if there was anything he could do but he explained how he had no money and there was no one he could borrow the money from other than her. He tried his best to get her to give him the money but his sister told him that she didn't have the money to offer him. He said goodbye and left slamming the door behind him. His sister began to cry because she felt horrible about not being able to give away her money towards his crisis. She just didn't have the money to spare. As Dan was walking away, he saw his sister's husband, Richard walking towards his way. He stopped him and asked if he wanted to go get a drink before he went back to his house. Richard said he had to get home but after much time Richard gave in and went with Dan.

When they got to the pub they sat down and before long Dan was telling Richard about his unfortunate circumstance. The difference in this story was that he told Richard how he had tried to earn the money back by betting on horses with some borrowed money. Dan told him about how he had switched his bet at the last minute and it cost him the money. Richard could tell that Dan was hinting towards money but he told him the same thing Dan's sister said. They just didn't have the money to spare. After a quick drink, Richard went home and now Dan was by himself in a pub left all alone with a problem on his hands.

Would you have giving the money to Dan?

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